The Laure de Nyls cellar was born from the desire of Vignerons de Bages, Pollestres, Ponteilla, Saint-Jean-Lasseille and Trouillas to unite to share their objectives. This alliance is a real asset since it brings together passionate women and men with complementary skills. Located between the slopes of Aspres and the Roussillon plain, the Laure de Nyls vineyard offers a variety of terroirs appropriate to each grape variety.
We welcome you to our 4 cellars, including the one located at the entrance to the village of Bages. Discover a recently renovated store which welcomes you in a contemporary atmosphere, ideal for exploring a very beautiful range of wines.
We welcome you to our 4 cellars, including the one located at the entrance to the village of Bages. Discover a recently renovated store which welcomes you in a contemporary atmosphere, ideal for exploring a very beautiful range of wines.
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