Nestled in the heart of Roussillon, the lively town of Bages perpetuates an ancestral wine tradition. Benefiting from a privileged location between sea and mountains, it is home to several renowned cellars. They offer high quality wines made from century-old grape varieties, enhanced by the generous Mediterranean sun.

heart of the village of Bages, place of festivities
City of Bages

The astonishing Casa Carrère…

Born from the imagination of a talented dreamer, the construction of this building was launched in 1954 by François Carrère, winegrower and wine merchant. To give it character, stones around the windows are deposited and over time, the house has been completely covered with them. Initially designed as a dwelling house, it became the Museum of Naïve Arts in 1991, before closing its doors in 2002.

In 2007, the building was bought by the city and became the Casa Carrere. Since then, it has hosted cultural and festive moments, especially on the occasion of Sant Jordi and FestiBages, in summer.

nightlife in Bages, musical entertainment on the village square

Do you know BALUDIK? (only available in French version)

This is a (free) tourist discovery application which offers fun and interactive routes, while providing captivating information to visitors.

To explore the village, our team offers you the treasure hunt “Discovering Bages of yesteryear!”
Accompanied by Suzie, a young teenager, you will discover Bages in the XNUMXth century. You will visit the village thanks to Suzanne who works as a washerwoman.

Move from stage to stage and immerse yourself in the story. But above all, have fun during this visit to the village!

Wine cellars… and beer!

In Plaine du Roussillon, wine production represents the main agricultural activity.
Here, the particular conditions of the terroir offer generous, pleasant and balanced wines.
In each glass, you discover the very essence of its arid lands, bathed in exceptional sunshine, influenced by heat and drought.

The vineyards of the hilly landscape between Bages and Brouilla, cultivated according to the know-how transmitted by the ancients and associated with today's techniques, produce a remarkable selection of white, rosé and red wines.

Good to know

Beer lovers are not forgotten!
The micro-brewery Gabriel's workshop shares his "beer know-how" and makes you discover all the stages of making craft beer!
Information 06 37 01 94 82

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