Discover our summer tips on water and drought, presented by Caroline, our sustainability expert. In this interview, she will share practical tips for saving water and adopting responsible behaviors during the summer period. Stay committed and let's preserve our precious resource together!

Hi Caroline, you are focused on Sustainable Development within the team.
Do you have any advice for this summer given the worries about water, the hot weather...?

It's a topic that's getting a lot of talk right now.
But people like to come to the Pyrénées Orientales precisely because our territory is very sunny: the heat is felt, but in the South, nothing surprising! It is not for nothing that there is the solar oven in Sorede!

It is obvious that the amount of snowfall this winter has been less, and rainfall has been very rare lately. Our water reserves are therefore limited, which clearly indicates the need to review our use of this resource!
The vegetation is drier and as a result the fire risk has been high since early in the season… it is important to be aware of this.
On the other hand, I am not a catastrophist because we all have the opportunity to act and we are already seeing the beneficial effects of measures and adaptations in many areas!

Episodes of drought and heat waves are not new here: what are the good reflexes to have?

Keep your good habits: As at home, be careful not to waste the water that we need to preserve. No need to spend an hour in the shower to be clean and your car won't go faster because it has just been washed...

It is essential never to underestimate our daily impact: even a simple cigarette can start a devastating fire. This is why I abstain from smoking in wooded or at-risk areas. Also, I make sure to never light a fire.
Besides, the barbecue is not ideal because of the risk of fire. Have you ever heard of planxa cooking? (Pronounced plan'cha!) It's not only delicious, but also much less risky!

Before going on a hike, I always take care to find out about the level of fire risk by consulting the site If I see the slightest smoke, I immediately dial 18 (fire brigade) or 112 (international emergency number).

Find here our good plans to keep your head cool this summer!

Our team offers you a refreshing cocktail of activities and visits during the hot weather!


About Caroline

Travel advisor, heritage promotion and in charge of communication, based in St André.
The most rock of the band without a doubt, she does not save her saliva to tell you about the territory and the Romanesque heritage! She is also the "voice" of the OTI on social networks.

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