Departing from Port-Vendres, go on a day or multi-day diving excursion to Cap de Creus. Escape on one of the two ships: the Uyada, a 15m wooden launch with all the necessary comfort for your stay, or the e-Sperança, the first 100% electric diving catamaran. Between 2 dives, take advantage of sunbathing or sea kayaking. Dive in small groups day and night, outside peak hours. No schedules to respect, we adapt to your rhythm. Whether you are already a diver or want to discover the activity, the team of professional instructors will accompany you in your explorations and training at all levels FFESSM, PADI and SSI. All-inclusive formula. Eco-responsible diving center.
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Sports activities
- Diving
- Hike palm snorkel mask
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